Clawson has been a goldfish breeder for twenty years and is a recognized expert on goldfish.

For instance, take the reaction to the comments of one author, Meredith Clawson. These folks are very passionate when it comes to goldfish and being “humane” to them. They have even managed to outlaw the keeping of goldfish in less than a ten gallon aquarium in several areas of the UK.
Starting a goldfish aquarium how to#
The United Kingdom, Australia and California are hotbeds of PETA and most of the impassioned and overzealous social media comments on goldfish and how to keep them come from the United Kingdom, Australia and California. So PETA has a heavy duty push on for “humanizing” the keeping of goldfish. If you went up on the PETA website in mid 2019 and looked at the articles section under pets you would have found only four articles on goldfish, with a huge push to populate forums and blogs with “ goldfish need ponds” comments. Other stated goals of PETA are to eliminate the use of leather, stop using cows for milk, stop the eating of meat, and stop the “cruel and inhumane” killing of rats in our cities. Their stated goal is to eliminate the keeping of fish altogether. They have started this campaign with the goldfish. There is a concerted effort by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to “humanize” the fish keeping hobby. Black Moor Goldfish The PETA Goldfish Campaign So if you’ve done that, take heart, you’ll probably be just fine. This is simply because that is what these fish have been bred to do over about one thousand years of breeding by Chinese breeders. And these fish do just fine the majority of the time. And the majority of the fish that go in those tanks are one, two or three common, comet or feeder goldfish. The simple fact is that the majority of fish tanks sold in the US are ten gallon tanks. Makes for a much better social media experience. All “newbies” that go on social media with goldfish in small aquariums should simply block all the fish police who protest. And I’m not talking about one or two “They must have a fifty gallon tank” fish police comments, I’m talking at least ten, typically the same people repeating the same worn lines. On Facebook aquarium groups and forums, at least once a day, goldfish in a ten gallon tank generate howls of protest from the fish police. And yet this is probably the most common fish in the aquarium hobby. If there was one fish which is the king of myths and confusing contradictory advice it would be the goldfish. The “cancel culture” hits the aquarium hobby. Note that my saying this has resulted in a lot of comments like “ This website is a joke” or “ban this idiot”. Unfortunately they often come off as being very mean to newcomers to the hobby.Īll these claims are simply incorrect opinions unsupported by any research and contradicted by a great deal of simple logic, experience and scientific research. Most of the people parroting these opinions are well meaning folks who just want what’s “best” for the fish. Goldfish are social creatures and need to be in groups of at least three.Goldfish are a cold water fish and need cold water to “thrive”.The tank needs to have a minimum length of 4, 6, 8 etc.But their organs continue to grow, meaning the fish lives a short pain filled life. In a small aquarium the body of the goldfish stops growing.Goldfish are always very dirty fish that ABSOLUTELY MUST have much more filtration and many more water changes than other fish.US gallons of aquarium for the first fish with an extra 20, 30, 40, 50 etc. Goldfish ABSOLUTELY MUST have 30, 40, 80, 100 etc.The common goldfish commonly grows to a 30 cm SL (“SL” is “Standard Length”, the length of only the body) which equates to 15 inches in length (one commentator said two foot in length!).There are a huge number of myths that can be found on social media concerning ALL goldfish. It is my OPINION that goldfish do not need large aquariums in order to “thrive”. This OPINION is then parroted by a large group of hobbyists that can best be described as the “Fish Police”. It is the OPINION of the PETA folks that goldfish need very large aquariums in order to “thrive”. The whole thing can be boiled down to one bullet point: This is because of a very concerted campaign by PETA (“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”) to prevent the keeping of ANY fish in an aquarium, with goldfish being their first target. And they probably have more controversy than any other fish. Goldfish are the most popular aquarium fish.